24th January - Josephine Davies ‘Satori’ @ The Crypt, Camberwell, London
25th January- Burns Night with Henry Lowther, Alan Barnes @ Karamel Club, Wood Green, London
31st January - Josephine Davies Satori @ Verdict Jazz Club, Brighton.
8th February - Miguel Gorodi Quintet @ World Heart Beat, London.
15th February - Vortex lates Trio with Calum Gourlay, Paul Clarvis. Downstairs @ The Vortex, London. 11pm
27th February - Trio with Calum Gourlay, Paul Clarvis @ Karamel Club, Wood Green, London.
28th February - Josephine Davies Satori @ 1000 Trades Birmingham Jazz
Past dates:
5th December - Kind Of Blue @ The MildMay Club, Dalston.
8th December - Casimir Connection @ The Longshore Room, Rotherhithe.
12th December - Freeflow Classikal @ Karamel Club, Wood Green.
14th December - Dankworth Family Band @ The Stables, Wavendon.
20th December - Josephine Davies Enso Ensemble @ Vortex Jazz Club, Dalston Kingsland
21st December - Tori Freestone & Alcyona Mick Duo @ Cafe Posk, Hammersmith. 8pm TICKETS HERE